National Highway Authority (NHA) would shortly commence the construction work on the vehicular on Golra Morr underpass to settle the longstanding issue of direct access to sectors I-14, I-15, and I-16.
The procurement of the project, an official of NHA said, has been concluded and it has recently been given to the lowest evaluated bidder at the cost of Rs717.644 million.
The underpass on Golra Morr Chowk was intended to assist the road users and ensure a smooth flow of traffic without any difficulty. The official told the media men that the physical work of the project would start in near future and it would be accomplished in the 12-month time period.
He informed that nearly 125,000 automobiles entered the underpass every day and it has become a black spot because of continued accidents on the busy route.
Moreover, the underpass would also link the underdeveloped sector of the I series with the main city through Srinagar Highway.
Though, Capital Development Authority (CDA) had begun the development work in these areas at a fast pace in recent months and started constructing main roads however the main link between the city and I sectors was missing which portrays that these sectors are not part of the federal capital.
However, after the construction of the underpass, the people of these sectors will remain just a few minutes away from the main city.
I-15 was planned exclusively for low-income citizens in 2005. It comprises 10,289 plots and the CDA has taken ownership of more than 90% of the sector’s land but has not started developing the sector. The authority had allotted Rs1 billion to develop I-15 in the 2018-19 financial year budget but did not start the work in this regard.
On the contrary, I-14 and I-16 are almost established, but citizens in both sectors face cleanliness problems, inadequate utility services, and dilapidated roads.