CDA To Allot Sector I-17 To National University Of Medical Sciences


The Capital Development Authority (CDA) will assign the whole I-17 sector of 7,344 kanals, at the cost of Rs1.8 million per Kanal, on a leasehold right basis, to the National University of Medical Sciences for establishing the medical city.

To construct a 1,600-bed hospital, along with research facilities and other services in the medical city, the National University of Medical Sciences looks forward to procuring 900 acres of land from CDA at Rs.13.6 billion, according to the official sources.

The NUMS’s medical city will be unique in its kind in South East Asia as it would incorporate all aspects of medical education, research and development and healthcare provision under one roof. This modern inclusive educational and healthcare facility will provide assistance to almost 12 million people in the twin cities and their adjoining areas.

The Ministry of Defense will sponsor the mega-project. The medical city will provide opportunities to undergraduate as well as postgraduate students for education, research, and development in the fields of dentistry, medicine, nursing, biomedical engineering, allied health, and veterinary sciences with the basic add-on of liberal arts and social sciences clubbed with multi-disciplinary faculty.

Moreover, the award of land on a leasehold right basis will be primarily for 33 years and can be stretched for two subsequent terms of 33 years each.

The Economic Appraisal section of the Planning Commission, however, stated that benefactors may provide an explanation for selecting Islamabad as the project location, while, the need for such facilities is in other areas of the country.

As per the officials, the medical city is scheduled to be established in four phases spread over a 20-year period. The projected cost of 1st phase of 5 years has been estimated at almost Rs17 billion. The 1st phase will consist of a 600-bed hospital coupled with nursing, medical, allied health professional institutes, and related facilities, following 2nd phase of 600 beds while 3rd phase of 400 beds with similar allied facilities. Finally, the 4th phase will cover the development of incomplete allied and commercial facilities for the completion of the medical city.